
Wrote in my calendar last night two priorities for today. Both of these priorities give me anxiety. Hence the reminder. I add daily priorities to my calendar the night before so I can get a good nights sleep. Choosing one or two daily priorities has made it easier to prioritize. Days where at least priority items get tackled are successful days.


First priority, most marketers can relate to. We use them often enough that Googling how to use V Lookup is a little bit embarrassing to admit but rarely enough that Spreadsheets are still stressful. Look forward to a time when I no longer have to Google the arguments for V Lookup. A girl can dream.

Tip: In case you are looking for great Excel tips recommend Abi Bouhmaida on LinkedIn or @forgoodcode on Instagram.


Second priority is to write this post. One of my goals this year (not a resolution) is to be louder. In service of that goal is to write two blog posts a week for my new blog. It has been my dream to write since I was a little girl and to be a writer you have to write. Obvious right?

I am not waiting until I am “ready” or no longer scared.

Tip: If you struggle with writing, try writing on paper.

What are your priorities for today?

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